Year 9 DTP & Meningitis ACWY Vaccination Booking  

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Special Education Needs and Disabilities

ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ is committed to meeting the needs of all its students. To this end, it employs dedicated SEND staff, as well as providing appropriate training for classroom teachers.

Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning

Mrs S AdderleyÌý

Overall responsibility for SEND

SEN co-ordinator Mrs N Davey, contact at n.davey@sc.coastandvale.academy
SEN ManagerÌý Mrs J Haythorne
Alternative Learning Centre ManagerÌý Mrs J Orrells

The Learning Support Team staff consists of the following:

  • 2 Learning Support Teachers (Outreach)
  • 12 full time Teaching Assistants
  • 4 Senior Advanced Teaching Assistants

At ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ a wide range of individual needs are catered for including speech, language and communication needs, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), Sensory and/or physical needs as well as Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs. At ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ we consider every child individually to ensure that they can access the curriculum most suited to them.ÌýÌýStudents with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities are integrated within the mainstream classroom organisation of the school and individual learning needs are provided for by quality first teaching supported by appropriate setting arrangements, differentiation of the curriculum and in-class support.

Provision for students’ individual needs will be detailed in aÌýInclusion ProfileÌýwhich will give details of a student’s strengths and difficulties, as well as adjustments which can be incorporated into their learning to support their progress. The profile will also outline any curriculum modification, agreed exam access arrangements, external agency involvement and target setting.

Where medical issues have a significant impact on a students’ health, some students will have a written Care Plan. Where a medical condition leads to prolonged absence, (i.e longer than three weeks), an application can be made through the SEN Manager, for Outreach Tuition, to take place at home.

Where students have physical disabilities an individual package of support can be provided to ensure they can safely access areas of the school and the curriculum. Access to all curriculum areas for wheelchair users, is good. There are lifts in three parts of the building and access is enabled elsewhere with the provision of ramps and stair lifts. Each student also has an individual fire evacuation plan. Two hygiene rooms are available for use, equipped with ceiling hoists and shower facilities. Provision of a Physiotherapy plinth in the medical room allows physiotherapy sessions to take place in school. There are also three disabled access toilets available in school.

How we support students with SEND

Secondary SEND cohort Jan 24

Assistant Teachers

Our widely skilled Teaching Assistants provide both in-class support and individual or small group interventions out of class. It is key that our teaching assistants get to know the students that they work with well. They know the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals both academically and pastorally. Our Teaching Assistants will regularly provide feedback and reports on students to the SENDCo which in turn can be fed into the reviews held for our students with SEND.

Our Teaching Assistants work to:

  • encourage the participation of all students in the social and academic activities of school
  • promote the independence of all students with whom they work
  • help raise the standards of achievement for vulnerable students and those with special educational needs

External Agencies

When necessary the support provided by the school can be supplemented by the involvement of a wide range of external agencies including the following:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Specialist Teaching Services for students with a sensory or physical disability
  • Educational Social Worker
  • NHS Trust
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Community Education Service
  • ASCOS (Autism)
  • Behavioural Support Service – Scarborough PRS

SEND Report

SEND Policy

ADHD support from FACE



AccessibilityÌýPlan & PolicyÌý

Physical Environment

The aim is to improve the physical environment of the school so as to increase the extent to which disabled students are able to take advantage of the education provided by the school.

The school buildings, with ramps, doors and lifts suitable for wheelchairs and other mobility aids, provides access for students with physical disabilities. This provision is kept under review and in any building planning, disability access is considered as a priority.

  • The school buildings provide access for disabled students.
  • Emergency evacuation procedures are in place to provide supervision of disabled students.
  • Transport to off-site facilities and for educational visits caters for disabled students.
  • Disabled toilet facilities are available.

Areas that have been made more accessible / improved:

  • Ramps to enable access to the ground floor areas of the building
  • Disabled hygiene rooms in the Main School building and in Languages
  • Lift access to the dining hall, Main School building , technology and ICT, and Humanities
  • Adjustable height workbenches in new Science and Food Technology rooms
  • Lowering of specific lips to some doorways to enable easier wheelchair access
  • New doors fitted with visibility panels
  • Resurfacing of some outside areas to provide a smooth surface
  • Infilling of gaps in paths to produce a continuous surface for wheelchair users
  • Sound system in Main Hall
  • More thoughtful positioning of furniture around the school site
  • A physical environment that is safe and welcoming

Parent Carer Cuppa club @ Whitby  (2)

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.